Monday, December 18, 2017

How To Die in Three Easy Steps

The Right is Right - We're talking about the roads of course - not politiks

Now for clarity for all my international followers - LOL - I'm talking about riding in America. Places like England have different rules/laws, so know your local rules of the road. With that legal disclaimer in place, let's keep going <I hope you read that super fast like they do the legal gobbly-gook on television> 

I saw a near miss yesterday recently that scared me more than a little bit. A person was riding a bicycle AGAINST Traffic and in the LEFT-hand lane…and in a curve just past the stop-light in an area with limited sight lines. 

Unfortunately, there was a car coming and there was damn near a head-on between the car and the bicycle. The person on the bicycle would have likely died in this case. 

Wanna watch?  Then click right here.  Yes, there's no sound. Mostly because I muted the video because I didn't want you to hear me yelling Whoa, Whoa, Whoa #*)*%7$#$%^.!!!

As a person driving – it’s okay to come to complete stop in that situation, move right, or even change lanes.

As a reminder, a person on a bicycle is legally required to ride WITH traffic – not against traffic. In Maryland, a person riding a bicycle shall ride as close to the right side of the road as practicable and safe, except when:
• Making or attempting to make a left turn;
• Operating on a one-way street;
• Passing a stopped or slower moving vehicle;
• Avoiding pedestrians or road hazards;
• The right lane is a right turn only lane; or
• Operating in a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle to travel safely side-by-side within the lane (TR § 21-1205)

So, tell your friends that bike to ride WITH traffic not against and tell your friends that drive it's okay to change lanes, move away from the bike or even stop.

Ohhhh and if you're sitting there in Maryland, thinking just ride on the sidewalk and no problem.  That's cute.  In Maryland, you're not allowed to ride on the sidewalk unless permissible by local ordinance. Most localities don't allow you to ride on the sidewalks. 

Until next time, Fatti Maschii, Parole Femine