Thursday, September 21, 2017

Where Do You Park Your Whip?!

You finally decide to bite the bullet and start riding your bicycle for local errands!  Huzzah!

So you hop on your trusty bike and take off. The winds blowing through your hair, the sun is shining and you are feeling FAB-U-LOUS! Heck, you even think you look MA-VA-LOUS! (That is fabulous and marvelous for you dull folks)

Now you roll up to your first destination and look around for a place to park and lock your trusty two-wheeled friend - we shan't talk about those one wheeled or three-wheeled heathens here :) - and what do you see? Nothing, Nada, Zip! No bicycle racks!  Your choices are leaning your ride against the building or locking it to a signpost, a tree or some other immovable object.

Note to self - that big ole' pick-up truck ain't immovable and the driver will get testy when she comes out and finds your bike locked to the door handle. Move it along, nothing to see here.

So now, you're jammed - no good place to park. You've got dollars burning your pocket and you're jonesing for a Twinkie. What to do? what to do?

Well, if you’re like me…you’ll go rogue and lock your bike to the mobility scooter, run in and grab your stuff and get out before anyone notices. Then you'll go on your way and forget all about it until you need that next Twinkie fix.

What should you do? Why do something about it of course. If it is a big chain store, send a nicely worded email to the Corporate HQ and store manager and ask them to install a bike rack for their customers. It's a locally owned

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